Our Club is registered under the Society Act, Province of British Columbia for the purposes of:
To assist in the acquisition, restoration, preservation, salvage and maintenance of and to promote interest in motor vehicles of ancient age (25 years old or older), their accessories, historic lore and associated items.
To establish a museum or show place for the exhibition and preservation for such vehicles, and to co-operate and work with any other group or groups in the establishment of such museum or show place and in exchanging ideas and information pertaining to such vehicles..
To encourage by all proper means the retention of such vehicles within Canada.
To promote and assist in the promotion of competitions, trials and other events in which such vehicles can participate in their respective classes.
To encourage the formation from time to time within the Society local chapters in the appropriate geographical areas.
To encourage and promote whole family participation in all events and activities of the Society.
To read up on the wonderful history of the Vintage Car Club of Canada, click here to visit our Club History Page.
Our organization spans 23 Chapters wide throughout the Province of B.C. and includes over 1300 car collecting members. If we were to estimate an average ownership of three automobiles per member, the combined Chapters of the VCCC could probably assemble something in the order of 3,600 vehicles.
We also produce for our members an Annual Roster, which lists every member within every Chapter. This shows the make, model, year, and condition of each vehicle owned. Also included in this Roster, is a master cross reference which lists all vehicles by Marque, grouped by body style, illustrated chronologically by year, and indicating ownership reference. This is a wonderful benefit for those who are in search of information or parts.
Added to this, is our Vintage Car Club of Canada publication called ‘The Vintage Car’. We produce and mail this to our members six times a year. The publication consists of about 40 pages, which are chock-full of useful information. For example, all known events pertaining to car activities are listed, registration forms are included, individual Chapter events are shown, and of course, there is a classified ad section. ‘The Vintage Car’ offers much more, but space does not permit a more in-depth description.
A Membership Form is included in this site for your convenience. If you wish to join only the Provincial body, known as the National Chapter, simply fill it out a and mail it to us along with $50.00 (or $25 if joining after June 30). Please contact me if you are joining the National Chapter and you will be contacted.
If you would prefer to join the Chapter nearest you (and we strongly encourage that), send, or take your Membership Form to the Chapter of your choice. (Chapter Membership usually only increases the basic annual membership fee by about $5.00 – $25.00 a year). To get the address or contact person of the chapter nearest you, simply click on the Chapters Directory in the sidebar menu and choose your area. We would love to have you as a member.
If you are a member of another organization that supports our objectives (restoration and preservation of motor vehicles, 25 years or older), please consider the value in also becoming a member of the Vintage Car Club of Canada (our membership is so reasonable that most people can enjoy membership in more than one organization)
For all advertising opportunities and rates, please visit our Advertising page.
WANT or FOR SALE ads can be posted directly on the website ‘Classifieds’ section, while ads destined for ‘The Vintage Car’ magazine can be e-mailed to the Ads Editor (ads@vccc.com) for inclusion.
Remember that the rules for classifieds ads state that vehicles, parts and related memorabilia must be 25 years and older and to please state the asking price, owner name, email address, and general location. Phone numbers are optional.