Welcome to the Columbia Chapter. We are based in Castlegar; however our club membership consists of members from all around the West Kootenays in southern British Columbia (www.kootenaysbc.com); Trail, Nelson, Christina Lake, Fruitvale, Warfield, Genelle and Castlegar.
The Columbia Chapter has monthly club meetings in the months of October to March with a pot luck dinner after each meeting, held on the second Sunday of every month. In the months of April to September the club has at least one club ‘mini’ tour coordinated by the club Tour Chair and many assistants. The club also receives invites from local cities and communities to participate in their local event days such as the ‘Show & Shines’.
For more information about the Columbia Chapter club please contact one of our executive members (listed below) by telephone, e-mail, or mail.
President | Pat Gallagher ……. 250-365-2437 …….. kiwi.canuck@shaw.ca |
Vice President | Greg Sahlstrom |
Secretary/Treasurer | Gordon Bos ……. 250-365-2646 ……….. gord-june@shaw.ca |
Governor | Marcel Brulotte |
Directors | Adele Salsman Leo Salsman Dick McLeod June Bos Emil Garay …….. 250-365-5003 |
Tour Chair | Ike Braga ……… 250-365-1575 ………. ikebraga@telus.net |
Sunshin | Jean Pisacreta ………. 250-352-5074 ……… jtpisa@netidea.com |
Historian | Judy Black ……… 250-447-6581 ………… rwblack@shaw.ca |
Christina Lake Chairs…………. | Gord Bos ……….. 250-365-2646 …………. gord-june@shaw.ca Herb & Jean Friedel Andrew Knaack Ike Braga ……….. 250-365-2463 ………… ikebraga@telus.net |
Trophies | Rick Hahn ……… 250-365-3612 ……….. rvhahn@shaw.ca |
National Correspondent ….. | Laresa Altenhoff ………. 250-693-2201 ……… laltenh@shaw.ca |
Newsletter | Ike Braga ………. 250-365-2463 ……… ikebraga@telus.net |
Internet | Ron Garay ……. 250-492-5674 …….. rgaray@direct.ca Laresa Altenhoff ……… 250-693-2201 …….. laltenh@shaw.ca |
Chapter Dues | $7.00 |
Chapter Meetings | 2nd Sunday, 3p.m., Oct.-Mar. St. David’s United Church, 614 Christina Place., Castlegar, BC. April – September on tours. |
Chapter Address | c/o Secretary – Laresa Altenhoff Box 303 Genelle, B.C. V0G 1G0 |
Christina Lake is the venue for our annual campout which is held on the September Labour Day weekend. This weekend is an enjoyable, fun- filled weekend with loads of socializing and ‘show off your car’ events.

Labour Day Weekend 2008 saw the Vintage Car Club of Canada - Columbia Chapter celebrate their 30th anniversary of hosting a campout at the Christina Lake Pines Campground.
This is an assortment of photos of the attendees & their vehicles of the various events that we had, including ...
The Grand Forks & Area Tour that included visits to local museums & historic facilities of Grand Forks
The Annual Show & Shine in the Christina Lake School yard
The historic Doukhabour museum parking lot - one of our stops during the Car Tour Through Grand Forks & Area
The Grand Forks & Area Tour that included visits to local museums & historic facilities of Grand Forks
The Annual Show & Shine in the Christina Lake School yard
The historic Doukhabour museum parking lot - one of our stops during the Car Tour Through Grand Forks & Area
On Apr.18 we had our annual CANAM tour to the USA as it was their turn and this year the weather was no exception-warm. We had 12 vintage and 4 modern vehicles on tour with 38 members and guests, we were met at the Waneta border crossing by approx 20 vehicles and 40+ people from the Colville club
On the tour we stopped at China Bend rest stop on the Columbia river for mandatory chocolate cookies, cakes, muffins, refreshments and visiting. It sure was nice to see all that shiny chrome going down the highway. We travelled to Avista Utilities generator plant outside of Kettle Falls where we were treated to a tour of their facility were they produce electricity from wood waste. This plant is exceptionally setup and managed with virtually no pollution emitted, a very educational tour
Then it was time to eat and one of the local church groups put on a fabulous lunch. There was also a surprise birthday cake presented to a couple of our members, one old and the other not so much!! Nice Surprise. Then it was off to the Kettle Falls heritage museum which was interesting and informative. After thanking our hosts for their efforts we then went our separate ways towards home, It was a fun day seeing friends we have not seen for awhile. Next year it's our turn.
On the tour we stopped at China Bend rest stop on the Columbia river for mandatory chocolate cookies, cakes, muffins, refreshments and visiting. It sure was nice to see all that shiny chrome going down the highway. We travelled to Avista Utilities generator plant outside of Kettle Falls where we were treated to a tour of their facility were they produce electricity from wood waste. This plant is exceptionally setup and managed with virtually no pollution emitted, a very educational tour
Then it was time to eat and one of the local church groups put on a fabulous lunch. There was also a surprise birthday cake presented to a couple of our members, one old and the other not so much!! Nice Surprise. Then it was off to the Kettle Falls heritage museum which was interesting and informative. After thanking our hosts for their efforts we then went our separate ways towards home, It was a fun day seeing friends we have not seen for awhile. Next year it's our turn.