POWELL RIVER CHAPTER – established & active since 1982.  

If you are the owner of a vehicle that is more than 25 years old or just have an interest in Vintage Cars, check us out. You’ll be accessing a national network of people who share the same passion for automobiles in addition to the help, support & advise local members can give you on restoring vehicles.



President – Maureen Heide                         phone: 604-489-3082

Vice-President – Paul Lavigne                     phone: 604-222-8558

Secretary – Brian Crilly                                phone: 604-485-2667

Treasurer – Christine Koleszar                    phone: 604-483-4455

Governor – Melanie Lott                              phone: 604-485-9358

CHAPTER MEETNGS – 2nd Monday of the month at 7 pm.
At the Westview Flying Club – Powell River Airport (7508 Duncan Street)

MEMBERSHIP for 2024 membership is $50 which supports the VCCC National (after June 30th, membership ½ price.)

The Powell River Vintage car club is active throughout the year with most of its activities occurring during the warmer summer months.

Rallies and tours (Annual May Tour) around the province provide the opportunity to get out in our vehicles to the Island and beyond. Scenic drives, picnics, BBQ’s and potluck dinner provide members with social opportunities to connect with like-minded people.

Our monthly meetings provide opportunity to provide updates on planned events, monthly activities, and support with vehicle restorations.   

Never turning down an opportunity to drive, vehicles can be seen all around town at various annual events such as Showtime & Shine, Logger’s Sports, Blackberry Fest, and in the summer at the local A&W on summer Thursday nights.  We also actively support our community with special appearances at local schools, Senior’s care facilities & Music events.