On a beautiful spring weekend, May 8 – 11, 2015 Central Fraser Valley Chapter hosted our 57th Annual May Tour. Over 100 vintage and antique vehicles and almost 250 people arrived at the Ag Rec Centre in Abbotsford. They were greeted by a very enthusiastic and energetic team lead by Jack Woolard who joined VCCC in 1970 and Ray Lamb who has been a member for 15 years.
A shuttle bus took us to our Garage Tour – a real gem of a place called Shady Grove Farms, with buildings decked out like gas stations and car dealerships of the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s. There was a general store, classroom and other displays to keep us busy for a couple of hours.
Our Friday night meet and greet also included the annual Valve Cover Races. After all the fun, the ‘little yellow valve cover’ of Garet Tanner’s won again.
Two tours were arranged with half of the group going on an East Road Tour co-ordinated by Jean and Leroy Clingwall, and the remainder going on the West Road Tour, co-ordinated by Lucy and Dave Gmur.
The East tour also included all the vehicles registered for judging. The East tour reached their destination, Heritage Park in Chilliwack, where the vehicles registered for judging were parked on the grass and duly critiqued by a team of 20 judges lead by Chief Judge, John Carlson, a member of VCCC for 40 years. Two of the judging groups had a junior judge in training with them. Afterwards there was an optional tour to Fortins’ Machine Shop in Chilliwack.
The other group took the West tour on a beautiful scenic drive to Canmor Farms where they visited the ‘horsepower’ barns!
Saturday’s evening program was a presentation by Bernie and Red, enjoyed by all in attendance.
Following Sunday’s tours the ladies attended a Ladies High Tea and Fashion Show, hosted by Lilah Warren. Lots of ladies also dressed in period costume to watch the beautiful fashion show which had a Royal theme.
The guys could attend tech sessions of woodgraining or leading, both offered by Rumbleseat Restorations, thanks to Peter Trant for sitting in for an ailing Don Warren on the leading session.
Attendees started gathering at about 5:00 pm on Sunday evening to visit before the dinner and awards. A slide show, developed and prepared by Del Holbrook, President of VCCC, was shown throughout the evening. Thanks to Garet Tanner and all those who shared photos for this presentation.
First Place, Best of Class and Best of Show was this beautiful 1957 Ford 500 Skyliner, owned by Doug and Paula Taylor.
And, People’s Choice was the 100 year old 1915 Simplex owned by Earl and June Tucker.
Our caterer for the weekend was Lori’s Catering of Harrison, who provided lunch and supper for Saturday and Sunday, as well as the farewell breakfast on Monday.
Thanks to the organizing committee for putting in almost 3 years of work to make this an outstanding May Tour!